Source code for src.ActiveContour

import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.ndimage import convolve
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline

from .geometryFunctions import *
from .hausdorffDistanceCalc import hausdorffDistanceFor2Dpoints

[docs]class ActiveContour: """Class that represents the snake, the contour that deforms until reaching a state of equilibrium through an optimization process. This class contains the methods needed to do that. Methods ------- adjustContour(perimeter_factor=None, f_close=None, plot_contour=None, fix_point_count=None, fix_point_indices=None, f_keep_point_count=None, f_compute_convergence=None, convergence_thresh=None, convergence_metric_type=None, convergence_metric_value=None) Runs the GGVF Active Contour code to completion. It deforms iteratively the initial contour until it reaches a sate of equilibrium. """ # TODO: Aqui recibimos los parametros para inicializar el algoritmo def __init__(self, image: list, x_coords: list = None, y_coords: list = None, alpha: float = 0.1, beta: float = 0.25, gamma: float = 1.0, kappa: float = 0.0, mu: float = 0.1, vf_iterations: int = 100, contour_iterations: int = 200) -> None: """Initializes ActiveContour with the parameters given by the user, or the default parameter values if not given. Parameters ---------- image : list Image file for which the active contour (snake) will be applied. This argument must be 2D. x_coords : list The initial X points of the active contour of the snake. Optional. Must be used with Y. y_coords : list The initial Y points of the active contour of the snake. Optional. Must be used with X. alpha : float The elasticity parameter of the active contour. It reflects the contour's ability to stretch along its length. Default: 0.10. beta : float The rigidity parameter of the active contour. It reflects the contour's ability to bend, as, for example, around corners. Default: 0.25. gamma : float The viscosity parameter. Larger values make it harder to deform the active contour in space. Default: 1.0. kappa : float The external force weight. Default: 1.25. mu : float The regularization parameter. this should be set according to the amount of noise in the image. Use a larger value for noisier images. Default: 0.10. vf_iterations : int The number of iterations for calculation the Gradient Vector Flow (GVF). Default: 100. contour_iterations : int The number of iterations to use in calculating the snake positions. Default: 200. """ #para asegurar tipo de arrays, poner el tipo (d_type=float64? o double) self.image = np.array(image, dtype=np.float64) self.x = x_coords self.y = y_coords self.alpha = max(alpha, 0.001) self.beta = max(beta, 0.001) self.gamma = max(gamma, 0.1) self.kappa = max(kappa, 0.0) = max(min(mu, 0.25), 0.001) self.vf_iterations = max(int(vf_iterations), 1) self.contour_iterations = max(int(contour_iterations), 1) # pU (edgeMap) # pV (edgeMap) self.u = None self.v = None # Manejar errores # Revisa que se haya entregado una imagen # Chequea que sea un array 2-dimensional # Puntero a la imagen # Puntero a coordenadas X e Y # Calcular npts igual a largo de X o 0 si es None/si es invalido self.npts = len(self.x) if self.x is not None else 0 pass
[docs] def get_x_coords(self): """It returns the array of coordinates x of the contour. Returns ------- np.ndarray X coordinates of the contour. """ try: if len(self.x) <= 0: return -1 self.x = np.array(self.x, dtype=np.float64) return self.x except ValueError: return -1
[docs] def get_y_coords(self): """It returns the array of coordinates y of the contour. Returns ------- np.ndarray Y coordinates of the contour. """ try: if len(self.y) <= 0: return -1 self.y = np.array(self.y, dtype=np.float64) return self.y except ValueError: return -1
[docs] def get_GGVF(self): """It returns the values of the GGVF, with its coordinates u and v. Returns ------- np.ndarray It returns an array with the value of the GGVF. """ try: if len(self.u) <= 0: return -1 if len(self.v) <= 0: return -1 self.u = np.array(self.u, dtype=np.float64) self.v = np.array(self.v, dtype=np.float64) return np.array([self.u, self.v], dtype=np.float64) except ValueError: return -1
[docs] def laplacian(self, image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Computes the laplacian of an image. Parameters ---------- image : np.ndarray Image to apply the laplacian. Returns ------- np.ndarray Returns the laplacian of the image, computing the convolution of it with a kernel. """ kernel = np.zeros((5, 5)) kernel[0, 2] = 0.0833333 kernel[1, 1:4] = 0.0833333 kernel[2, :] = 0.0833333 kernel[3, 1:4] = 0.0833333 kernel[4, 2] = 0.0833333 kernel[2, 2] = -1.0 # return convol(image, kernel, center=1, /edge_truncate) return convolve(image, kernel, mode='nearest')
# TODO: Computar el campo GGVF para el contorno activo
[docs] def calcGGVF(self) -> None: """It computes the GGVF, and sets the values of self.u and self.v. """ # Calculate gradients [fx, fy] to initialize the vector field [u, v]. self.edgeMap() # Original version for the GGVF by Xu99 # b = np.square(self.u) + np.square(self.v) b = np.abs(self.u) + np.abs(self.v) # This pair of functions act as an "enhancer/de-enhancer" of high gradient neighbors the choice of the functions # must satisfy some convergence restrictions (see reference) TODO: agregar referencia g = np.exp(-b / c1 = self.u * (np.ones(g.shape) - g) c2 = self.v * (np.ones(g.shape) - g) # Solve iteratively for the GGVF [u, v] # delta_x = delta_y = delta_t = 1 for _ in range(1, self.vf_iterations + 1): u_lap = self.laplacian(self.u) v_lap = self.laplacian(self.v) # Original iteration scheme # self.u += g * u_lap - h * (self.u - fx) # self.v += g * v_lap - h * (self.v - fy) # Optimized iteration scheme self.u = g * (self.u + u_lap) + c1 self.v = g * (self.v + v_lap) + c2 return
# TODO: Plotear el campo GVF
[docs] def plotGVF(self) -> None: #revisar plt.streamploat return
[docs] def getCoords(self, xyRes = np.array([1.,1.], dtype=np.float64)) -> np.ndarray: """It returns the coordinates x and y of the image. Parameters ---------- xyRes : np.ndarray of floats, optional Resolution of the image, by default np.array([1.,1.]) Returns ------- np.ndarray Coordinates x and y of the image note:: in case xCoords is an invalid value, it returns -1. """ self.x = np.array(self.x) self.y = np.array(self.y) return np.array([xyRes[0] * self.x, xyRes[1] * self.y], dtype=np.float64)
[docs] def setContour(self, x: list, y: list) -> None: """Set the [x, y] coordinates for the active contour. Parameters ---------- x : list `x` coordinate array of the contour to be set. y : list `y` coordinate array of the contour to be set. """ self.x = np.array(x, dtype=np.float64) self.y = np.array(y, dtype=np.float64) self.npts = len(self.x) return
[docs] def getPerimeter(self,xyRes = np.array([1.,1.], dtype=np.float64)) -> float: """This method calculates the perimeter of a contour. Parameters: ----------- xyRes: np.ndarray of floats, optional. Resolution of the image. Default: np.array([1,1]). Returns: ------- float Value of the perimeter of a contour. note:: in case xCoords is an invalid value, it returns -1. """ p = self.getDistance(xyRes) return np.sum(p)
[docs] def getDistance(self, xyRes = np.array([1.,1.], dtype=np.float64)) -> np.ndarray: """This method calculates the distance between consecutive points. Parameters: ----------- xyRes: np.ndarray of floats, optional. Resolution of the image, by default np.array([1,1]). Returns: ------- np.ndarray Array of floats with the euclidean distance between the consecutive points of a segment. note:: in case xCoords is an invalid value, it returns -1. """ dx = np.square((np.roll(self.x,-1)-self.x)*xyRes[0]) dy = np.square((np.roll(self.y,-1)-self.y)*xyRes[1]) return np.power(dx + dy, 0.5)
[docs] def arcSample(self, points = 50, f_close = None) -> None: """It takes a closed curve and re-samples it in equal arc lengths. Parameters ---------- points : int, optional The number of points in the output vectors, by default 50. f_close : bool, optional Set this keyword to True to specify the contour curve, by default None. """ #if size(*self.pX,/n_dimensions) eq 2 then begin, x_in = reform(*self.pX) ... ya lo hace python x_in = np.copy(self.x) y_in = np.copy(self.y) npts = len(x_in) #Make sure the curve is closed (first point same as last point). if bool(f_close): if (x_in[0] != x_in[npts - 1]) or (y_in[0] != y_in[npts - 1]): x_in = np.concatenate((x_in, np.array([x_in[0]], dtype=np.float64))) y_in = np.concatenate((y_in, np.array([y_in[0]], dtype=np.float64))) # print, "Active contour interpolation warning: adding 1 point to close the contour, # according to the specified input" npts += 1 else: points -= 1 #Interpolate very finely nc = (npts - 1) * 100 t = np.arange(npts, dtype=np.float64) t1 = np.arange(nc + 1, dtype=np.float64) / 100 csx = CubicSpline(t, x_in) x1 = csx(t1) csy = CubicSpline(t, y_in) y1 = csy(t1) if bool(f_close): #computes the boundary condition for the cubic spline: derivatives at the beggining and end points are the same avg_slopeX = (x1[1] - x1[0] + x1[nc] - x1[nc - 1]) / (t1[1] - t1[0]) * 0.5 avg_slopeY = (y1[1] - y1[0] + y1[nc] - y1[nc - 1]) / (t1[1] - t1[0]) * 0.5 dx1 = CubicSpline(t, x_in, bc_type = ((1, avg_slopeX), (1, avg_slopeX))) dy1 = CubicSpline(t, y_in, bc_type = ((1, avg_slopeY), (1, avg_slopeY))) else: #computes the boundary condition for the cubic spline: derivatives at the beggining and end points avg_slopeX0 = (x1[1] - x1[0]) / (t1[1] - t1[0]) avg_slopeX1 = (x1[nc] - x1[nc - 1]) / (t1[nc] - t1[nc - 1]) avg_slopeY0 = (y1[1] - y1[0]) / (t1[1] - t1[0]) avg_slopeY1 = (y1[nc] - y1[nc - 1]) / (t1[nc] - t1[nc - 1]) dx1 = CubicSpline(t, x_in, bc_type = ((1, avg_slopeX0), (1, avg_slopeX1))) dy1 = CubicSpline(t, y_in, bc_type = ((1, avg_slopeY0), (1, avg_slopeY1))) x1 = dx1(t1) y1 = dy1(t1) #compute cumulative path length. ds = np.sqrt(np.square((x1[1:] - x1[:len(x1)-1])) + np.square((y1[1:] - y1[:len(y1)-1]))) ss = np.concatenate((np.array([0], dtype=np.float64), np.cumsum(ds, dtype=np.float64)), axis = None, dtype=np.float64) #Invert this curve, solve for TX, which should be evenly sampled in the arc length space. sx = np.arange(points) * (ss[nc] / points) cstx = CubicSpline(ss, t1) tx = cstx(sx) #Reinterpolate the original points using the new values of TX and optionally close the contour. if bool(f_close): x_out = dx1(tx) y_out = dy1(tx) self.x = np.concatenate((x_out, np.array([x_out[0]], dtype=np.float64)), axis = None) self.y = np.concatenate((y_out, np.array([y_out[0]], dtype=np.float64)), axis = None) else: x_out = dx1(tx) y_out = dy1(tx) self.x = np.concatenate((x_out, np.array([x_in[npts - 1]], dtype=np.float64)), axis = None) self.y = np.concatenate((y_out, np.array([y_in[npts - 1]], dtype=np.float64)), axis = None) self.npts = len(self.x)
[docs] def adjustContour(self, perimeter_factor=None, f_close=None, plot_contour=None, fix_point_count=None, fix_point_indices=None, f_keep_point_count=None, f_compute_convergence=None, convergence_thresh=None, convergence_metric_type=None, convergence_metric_value=None) -> np.ndarray: """Runs the GGVF Active Contour code to completion. It deforms iteratively the initial contour until it reaches a sate of equilibrium. Parameters ---------- perimeter_factor: float, optional It indicates the factor to compute the number of points to use for a given contour, by default None. f_close: bool, optional Flag to indicate if a contour must be closed, adding an extra point, by default None. plot_contour: int, optional Flag to indicate if a contour must be closed, adding an extra point, by default None. fix_point_count: int, optional Number of points to fix in the contour, by default None. fix_point_indices: np.ndarray, optional Array of indices of the points to be fixed. f_keep_point_count: bool, optional Flag to indicate that the number of points in the contour must be kept, and if False, it re-interpolates them. f_compute_convergence: bool, optional Flaf to indicate that the convergence must be computed. convergence_thresh: float, optional Value of the convergence limit. convergence_metric_type: string, optional It indicates the type of metric to compute the variation between the contour in the current iteration and the last iteration, until reaching convergence. convergence_metric_value: float, optional It indicates that the convergence must be computed, in case the flags f_compute_convergence or f_use_convergence_threshold where not set. Returns ------- np.ndarray It returns an array with the coordinates x and y of the contour after the adjustment, when the state of equilibrium is reached. """ if plot_contour is None: plot_contour = 0 # checkear si x e y son validos sino return -1 if not isinstance(self.get_x_coords(), np.ndarray): return -1 if not isinstance(self.get_y_coords(), np.ndarray): return -1 try: if len(fix_point_indices) > 0: fix_point_count = len(fix_point_indices) elif len(fix_point_count) > 0: # TODO: Esto deberia chequear si se fijo la variable fix_point_count fix_point_count = max(fix_point_count, 0) else: fix_point_count = 0 except TypeError: fix_point_count = 0 try: if fix_point_count == 0: npts_iter = max(round(polygon_perimeter(self.x, self.y) * max(perimeter_factor, 0.1)), 5) else: npts_iter = self.npts # En caso de que perimeter_factor no este definido except NameError: print("perimeter_factor no esta definido") npts_iter = self.npts # En caso de que perimeter_factor este definido pero tenga el tipo # incorrecto except TypeError: npts_iter = self.npts if npts_iter != self.npts and not bool(f_keep_point_count): self.arcSample(points=npts_iter, f_close=f_close) # self.x, self.y = polygon_line_sample(np.copy(self.x), np.copy(self.y), n_points_per_pix = npts_iter) perimeter_it_0 = polygon_perimeter(self.x, self.y) alpha = np.full(npts_iter, self.alpha) beta = np.full(npts_iter, self.beta) a = beta b = -alpha - 4*beta c = 2*alpha + 6*beta vfx = 0.0 vfy = 0.0 abc_matrix = np.diag(a[0:npts_iter-2], 2) + np.diag(a[npts_iter-2:npts_iter], -(npts_iter-2)) \ + np.diag(b[0:npts_iter-1], 1) + np.diag([b[npts_iter-1]], -(npts_iter-1)) \ + np.diag(c + self.gamma) \ + np.diag(b[0:npts_iter-1], -1) + np.diag([b[npts_iter-1]], (npts_iter-1)) \ + np.diag(a[0:npts_iter-2], -2) + np.diag(a[npts_iter-2:npts_iter], (npts_iter-2)) inv_array = np.linalg.inv(abc_matrix) f_use_convergence_threshold = bool(convergence_thresh) or (convergence_thresh == 0) f_compute_convergence = bool(f_compute_convergence) \ or bool(convergence_metric_value) \ or f_use_convergence_threshold if f_compute_convergence: if bool(convergence_metric_type): var_metric = convergence_metric_type else: var_metric = 'LinfNorm' if self.contour_iterations >= 1: for j in range(self.contour_iterations): if f_compute_convergence: last_iter_x = np.copy(self.x) last_iter_y = np.copy(self.y) if self.kappa > 0: points = (np.arange(self.image.shape[0]), np.arange(self.image.shape[1])) xi = np.transpose(np.vstack((self.x, self.y))) vfx = interpolate.interpn(points, self.v, xi, method='cubic') vfy = interpolate.interpn(points, self.u, xi, method='cubic') n_elem_inv_array = inv_array.shape[0] n_elem_contour = len(self.x) if n_elem_inv_array != n_elem_contour: npts_iter = n_elem_contour alpha = np.full(npts_iter, self.alpha) beta = np.full(npts_iter, self.beta) a = beta b = -alpha - 4*beta c = 2*alpha + 6*beta abc_matrix = np.diag(a[0:npts_iter-2], 2) + np.diag(a[npts_iter-2:npts_iter], -(npts_iter-2)) \ + np.diag(b[0:npts_iter-1], 1) + np.diag([b[npts_iter-1]], -(npts_iter-1)) \ + np.diag(c + self.gamma) \ + np.diag(b[0:npts_iter-1], -1) + np.diag([b[npts_iter-1]], (npts_iter-1)) \ + np.diag(a[0:npts_iter-2], -2) + np.diag(a[npts_iter-2:npts_iter], (npts_iter-2)) inv_array = np.linalg.inv(abc_matrix) # Deform the snake. if (fix_point_count > 0) and not bool(f_close): x_tmp = np.matmul(inv_array, (self.gamma * self.x + self.kappa * vfx)) y_tmp = np.matmul(inv_array, (self.gamma * self.y + self.kappa * vfy)) if len(fix_point_indices) > 0: x_tmp[fix_point_indices] = self.x[fix_point_indices] y_tmp[fix_point_indices] = self.y[fix_point_indices] if f_compute_convergence: x_delta = np.abs(x_tmp - self.x) y_delta = np.abs(y_tmp - self.y) # Re-interpolate the snake points. if bool(perimeter_factor): poly_line_length = 0.0 for k in range(len(x_tmp) - 1): poly_line_length += np.sqrt(np.square(x_tmp[k+1] - x_tmp[k]) + np.square(y_tmp[k+1] - y_tmp[k])) npts_iter = max((round(poly_line_length) * max(perimeter_factor, 0.1)), 5) if not bool(f_keep_point_count): self.arcSample(points=npts_iter) # self.x, self.y = polygon_line_sample(np.copy(self.x), np.copy(self.y), n_points_per_pix = npts_iter) self.x = x_tmp self.y = y_tmp else: x_fix_vec_1 = self.x[0 : fix_point_count] x_fix_vec_2 = self.x[npts_iter - fix_point_count :] y_fix_vec_1 = self.y[0 : fix_point_count] y_fix_vec_2 = self.y[npts_iter - fix_point_count :] x_tmp_2 = np.concatenate((x_fix_vec_1, x_tmp[1 : n_elem_contour - fix_point_count + 1], x_fix_vec_2)) y_tmp_2 = np.concatenate((y_fix_vec_1, y_tmp[1 : n_elem_contour - fix_point_count + 1], y_fix_vec_2)) if f_compute_convergence: x_delta = np.abs(x_tmp_2 - self.x) y_delta = np.abs(y_tmp_2 - self.y) # Re-interpolate the snake points. if bool(perimeter_factor): poly_line_length = 0.0 for k in range(len(self.x) - 1): poly_line_length += np.sqrt(np.square(x_tmp_2[k+1] - x_tmp_2[k]) + np.square(y_tmp_2[k+1] - y_tmp_2[k])) npts_iter = max((round(poly_line_length) * max(perimeter_factor, 0.1)), 5) if not bool(f_keep_point_count): self.arcSample(points=npts_iter) # self.x, self.y = polygon_line_sample(np.copy(self.x), np.copy(self.y), n_points_per_pix = npts_iter) # Put back the fixed points x_tmp_2[0:fix_point_count] = x_fix_vec_1 x_tmp_2[npts_iter - fix_point_count + 1 :] = x_fix_vec_2 y_tmp_2[0:fix_point_count] = y_fix_vec_1 y_tmp_2[npts_iter - fix_point_count + 1 :] = y_fix_vec_2 self.x = x_tmp_2 self.y = y_tmp_2 else: # Non-fixed points, i.e. all the contour pointscan be displaced if f_compute_convergence: x_tmp_3 = np.matmul(inv_array, (self.gamma * self.x + self.kappa * vfx)) y_tmp_3 = np.matmul(inv_array, (self.gamma * self.y + self.kappa * vfy)) x_delta = np.abs(x_tmp_3 - self.x) y_delta = np.abs(y_tmp_3 - self.y) self.x = x_tmp_3 self.y = y_tmp_3 else: self.x = np.matmul(inv_array, (self.gamma * self.x + self.kappa * vfx)) self.y = np.matmul(inv_array, (self.gamma * self.y + self.kappa * vfy)) # Re-interpolate the snake points. if bool(perimeter_factor): npts_iter = max((round(polygon_perimeter(self.x, self.y) * max(perimeter_factor, 0.1))), 5) f_close = 1 if not bool(f_keep_point_count): # self.x, self.y = polygon_line_sample(np.copy(self.x), np.copy(self.y), n_points_per_pix = (npts_iter-1 if bool(f_close) else npts_iter), f_close_output=f_close) self.arcSample(points=((npts_iter-1) if f_close else npts_iter), f_close=f_close) if plot_contour > 0: if j == 1: pass # TODO: oPlot, [*self.pX, (*self.pX)[0]], [*self.pY, (*self.pY)[0]], color = 255, linestyle = 1, thick = 3 elif j == self.contour_iterations: pass # TODO: oPlot, [*self.pX, (*self.pX)[0]], [*self.pY, (*self.pY)[0]], color = 255, thick = 3 else: pass # TODO: oPlot, [*self.pX, (*self.pX)[0]], [*self.pY, (*self.pY)[0]], color = (255 - (self.contour_iterations - j) * 30) > 100 if f_compute_convergence: delta_mag = np.sqrt(np.square(x_delta) + np.square(y_delta)) if var_metric == 'Hausdorff': variation = hausdorffDistanceFor2Dpoints(self.x, self.y, last_iter_x, last_iter_y) elif var_metric == 'L1norm' : variation = calcNorm_L1ForVector(delta_mag) elif var_metric == 'L2norm' : variation = calcNorm_L2ForVector(delta_mag) elif var_metric == 'LinfNorm' : variation = calcNorm_LInfiniteForVector(delta_mag) elif var_metric == 'average' : variation = np.mean(delta_mag) elif var_metric == 'avgFracPerimeter': variation = np.mean(delta_mag) / polygon_perimeter(self.x, self.y) elif var_metric == 'avgFracPerimeter0': variation = np.mean(delta_mag) / perimeter_it_0 else: variation = calcNorm_LInfiniteForVector(delta_mag) f_log = 0 f_log_all = 0 if f_log: log_file_path = 'D:\\tmp\\snakeLog.txt' msg = f"{var_metric} convergence criterion value = {variation} at iteration {j}" if f_log_all: hd = hausdorffDistanceFor2Dpoints(self.x, self.y, last_iter_x, last_iter_y) l1 = calcNorm_L1ForVector(delta_mag) l2 = calcNorm_L2ForVector(delta_mag) li = calcNorm_LInfiniteForVector(delta_mag) avg = np.mean(delta_mag) avg_norm_perim_it = np.mean(delta_mag) / polygon_perimeter(self.x, self.y) avg_norm_perim_0 = np.mean(delta_mag) / perimeter_it_0 msg = ";".join(list(map(str, [hd, l1, l2, li, avg, avg_norm_perim_it, avg_norm_perim_0, j]))) # TODO: file_logger(msg, log_file_path) if f_use_convergence_threshold: if variation <= convergence_thresh: break if f_compute_convergence: if f_log_all: print('Hausdorff', ' L1norm', ' L2norm', ' LinfNorm', ' average', ' avgFracPerimeter', ' avgFracPerimeter0', ' Iteration') elif f_log: print(msg) convergence_metric_value = variation return np.array([self.x, self.y], dtype=np.float64)
# TODO: este metodo puede ser estatico
[docs] def gradient(self, image: np.ndarray, direction: int) -> np.ndarray: """Computes the gradient of the image's intensity. Parameters ---------- image : np.ndarray Array with the intensity values per pixel of the image. direction : int It indicates the direction in which to calculate the gradient. Returns ------- np.ndarray Returns the result of computing the gradient of the image. """ # TODO: si la direccion admite vectores entonces # Revisa la cantidad de elementos de la direccion # if n_elements(direction) == 0 -> direction = 0 # Chequeo de la dimension de la imagen # Si la dimension no es 2 retornar -1 # IDL: shift # Python: np.roll. Reference: # np matrix accessors reference: # if direction == 0: theGradient = (np.roll(image, -1, axis=1) - np.roll(image, 1, axis=1)) * 0.5 theGradient[:, 0] = theGradient[:, 1] theGradient[:, theGradient.shape[1] - 1] = theGradient[:, theGradient.shape[1] - 2] elif direction == 1: theGradient = (np.roll(image, -1, axis=0) - np.roll(image, 1, axis=0)) * 0.5 theGradient[0, :] = theGradient[1, :] theGradient[theGradient.shape[0] - 1, :] = theGradient[theGradient.shape[0] - 2, :] else: return -1 # Reemplazar este valor por algo mas indicativo. Una excepcion si solo se recibe direccion {0, 1} return np.array(theGradient, dtype=np.float64)
[docs] def edgeMap(self) -> None: """Computes the edge map of a given image, and sets the values of the coordinates u and v of the GGVF. """ edge_map = np.sqrt(np.square(self.gradient(self.image, 0)) + np.square(self.gradient(self.image, 1))) min_val = np.min(edge_map) # TODO: este valor por defecto podia ser 0, hablar con Jorge max_val = np.max(edge_map) if max_val != min_val: edge_map = np.array([(i - min_val)/(max_val - min_val) for i in edge_map], dtype=np.float64) self.u = self.gradient(edge_map, 0) self.v = self.gradient(edge_map, 1)